Flutter BootCamp - Week 1

JUN 2019

Initiative Campus Clubs

Category Code Contributions

URL https://harshil1712.github.io/flutter-bootcamp/

Hashtag #FlutterBootCamp #FlutterBootCampVadodara #MozGuj

Description Dart is a big reason why developers love Flutter. We will dive into Dartverse. You will learn basics of dart to get started with Flutter. The moment you sign up for bootcamp is here. You will learn basic Flutter Widgets and will develop your first cross-platform application. Ever had doubt whether SQL or NoSQL? Don't worry we got your back. You will learn SQL vs NoSQL and Firestore with Flutter. Also you will learn about BLoC patterns. The playground to test your newly acquire skills.

Venue Navrachana University

City Vadodara

Area Gujarat

Country or Region India

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