
DEC 2013

Category Apps, Evangelism Product, Firefox OS, Web Development


Hashtag #frontinrecife

Description Let us together make a great day, dedicated to improving our knowledge related to front-end development, together with great speakers from local and national. This year we will talk about SEO, Responsive, cross-platform mobile web, HTML, JavaScript, CSS. See you there!

Venue Faculdade Marista, Rua Itatiaia, 318, Apipucos

City Recife

Area Pernambuco

Country or Region Brazil

Talk title: Amazing Web Apps

I'll talk about how to build web apps, what differentiate them from web sites and native. How the web apps are going native, firefoxos, etc. I'm also explaining how to get the most benefits about interoperability from the web devices, from desktop to mobile and how to get the web apps in multiple marketplaces, showing the Mozilla Marketplace as an example. Everything will be explained in a frontend developer perspective, it'll be the main audience from the event.

I'm also planning to show my SpyTank controlled by a PS3 controller via GamepadAPI on Firefox and how easy is to do it. This example allows me to introduce the audience on web resources to create games as web apps.

Here's an early example with less than 3 hours of coding:

And here's a post from Robert Nyman that covers great parts I'll show in my talk:

The perks of packaged apps are great to show, this allows many devs and companies to release their apps to the Mozilla Marketplace.