
Initiative Other

Category Firefox OS

URL https://fscons.org/2015/

Hashtag #fscons #MozSweden

Description FSCONS is the largest gathering for free culture, free software and a free society in the Nordic countries.

Venue Humanisten building, Renströmsgatan 6

City Gothenburg

Area Västra Götalands län

Country or Region Sweden


Michael from Mozilla will be delivering IOT lecture and will be conducting a related Workshop.

The morning lecture introduces IoT use cases and relationships between sensor connected devices, while the evening workshops deliver hands on training to those interested in creating IoT networks.

Students will learn to use the FirefoxOS within a physical web of things. The use case is 'walking up to a WoT connected object and using it' (via the mozBluetooth API.)

Going further, students can implement their own Firefox OS IoT application by connecting a supplied device to their bring your own computers and launching the WebIDE from within Firefox.