
URL http://www.fudconlatam.org/

Hashtag #fudcon

Description The FUDCon is the Fedora Users and Developers Conference, our premier event held in four different regions of the world, once a year each. The FUDCon is always free, free and open to the public. Some of the topics covered in the FUDCon include: Infrastructure, Development, Community Building, Project Management and Marketing, Design, Testing and Software Quality Control, Packaging, among others. The FUDCon will feature great international speakers.

Venue Universidad Antonio José Paez

City Valencia

Area Carabobo

Country or Region Venezuela

Mozilla Presence

ReMo Arturo Martinez will held a Mozilla Booth and give a talk The Web is the Platform about Firefox OS.

Mozilla Booth

Booth will be open at selected times during the whole event: To held a QA with attendees after the talk. Meet and greet potential contributors. Discuss about Mozilla current/future proyects. Show them new features on Firefox. * Any Firefox OS question.

The Talk

  • Focused on showing off the interoperability between devices.
  • HTML5 + CSS3 + Javascript = Standards
  • Introduce Firefox OS.
  • Introduce Moz Marketplace.
  • Let them know how to contribute in FFOS.
  • Developer oriented.