URL http://www.fudconlatam.org/
Hashtag #fudcon
Description The FUDCon is the Fedora Users and Developers Conference, our premier event held in four different regions of the world, once a year each. The FUDCon is always free, free and open to the public. Some of the topics covered in the FUDCon include: Infrastructure, Development, Community Building, Project Management and Marketing, Design, Testing and Software Quality Control, Packaging, among others. The FUDCon will feature great international speakers.
Mozilla Presence
ReMo Arturo Martinez will held a Mozilla Booth and give a talk The Web is the Platform about Firefox OS.
Mozilla Booth
Booth will be open at selected times during the whole event: To held a QA with attendees after the talk. Meet and greet potential contributors. Discuss about Mozilla current/future proyects. Show them new features on Firefox. * Any Firefox OS question.
The Talk
- Focused on showing off the interoperability between devices.
- HTML5 + CSS3 + Javascript = Standards
- Introduce Firefox OS.
- Introduce Moz Marketplace.
- Let them know how to contribute in FFOS.
- Developer oriented.