
NOV 2012


Hashtag #GeekTeensLPB

Description As Open Web advocates, it is our mission to make young people know about a safe and total user experience web and this since their young age. As a first step, we wish to introducing to those people the best practices to use the web.Then we wish to show them that the web is not only visiting Facebook but also they can build it by coding and learn programing. In this context we are launching a whole program for 2012/2013 named BeGeek where Geekids will be one of it variants.

Venue 37.2737321 9.8555674

City Bizerte

Area Bizerte

Country or Region Tunisia

This program will be one of the big program we are launching as Mozilla Tunisia. It will have three axes : GeekKids (events with primary schools), GeekTeens (events with high schools) and GeedStudents (events with university as a continuity for our Mozilla Tunisia Tour'12). With this program we aim to initiate this range of users to good practices with a goal: build their own website for the school/high school by using Mozilla technologies and projects like Hackasaurus and Thrimble.

6 attending, including...