Hack Indore


Initiative Other

Category Marketing

URL https://hackindore.splashthat.com/

Hashtag hackindore

Description A hackathon is a software development sprint in which computer programmers and others involved in software development, including designers and software architects collaborate intensively on software projects. #include, official technical club of Information Technology Department is planning to organize an intercollege hackathon #HackIndore that aims to provide software solutions to various academic departments of the institution as well to some industries and companies.

Venue Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science

City Indore

Area Madhya Pradesh

Country or Region India

25 shortlisted teams will be given a set of problem statements. They can select any one of them and work on it for 22 hours to build a product. Some companies will be offering internships during the event based on the performance of the participants. This is an innovative way to promote quality education and support the young talents budding in our city. The final judgement will be given by the invited panel of judges based on the presentation given by contestants, quality and innovative nature of the idea, and its utility in real world scenario.


  • Register for the event(open till 24 Sept. 2018).
  • Only shortlisted 25 teams will be given chance to participate.
  • Team selection will be done on the basis of proposals submitted for the problem statements that you will receive via mail on registration.
  • Shortlisted teams will be announced on 26 Sept.2018.