Hackathon Firefox OS Paris


Initiative Connected Devices Participation

Category Firefox OS

URL http://www.meetup.com/fr/Firefox-OS-France-User-Gr...

Hashtag #hackathon_ffOS0116

Description Firefox OS France User Group hosted at Mozilla Paris, for a Hackathon Firefox OS. The event aims to bring new platforms to Firefox OS, but also to create Add-ons on 2.5 or master choice. ---> Presence of employees as Mozilla * Julien Wajsberg * Adam Farden (CZ) * Juan Gomez (Madrid) ---> Live Streaming for 15 January 2016 : https://air.mozilla.org/paris-firefox-os-hackathon-presentations/

Venue Mozilla

City Paris

Area Paris

Country or Region France

2 Events :

*** Présentation Hackathon Firefox OS (15 January 2016) http://www.meetup.com/fr/Firefox-OS-France-User-Group/events/227159415/

*** Hackathon Firefox OS (16 and 17 january 2016) http://www.meetup.com/fr/Firefox-OS-France-User-Group/events/226966844/?eventId=226966844

7 attending, including...