JDLL 2015


Initiative Demoed a Firefox OS device

Category Firefox OS

URL http://www.jdll.org/

Hashtag #JDLL2015

Description JDLL (aka Journées du Logiciel Libre = Free Software Days) is a french speaking event on free and open source software held in Lyon since 1998. It has been moved from fall season to spring (hence no JDLL in 2013). 2015 is the 16th edition of the event. Last edition was in 2014: https://reps.mozilla.org/e/jdll-2014/

Venue 249 rue de Vendôme 69003 Lyon

City Lyon

Area Rhône Alpes

Country or Region France


Maison Pour Tous - Salle des Rancy.

249 rue de Vendôme Lyon 3ème



2 tables 120x80 cm + 4 to 6 chairs

Possible to tape posters and hang the banner

Moreover, there will be a common room where we can demonstrate phones rather than on a crowded booth. Fortunately, there will be enough people to mann the "mozilla" booth and the "phone" booth.


  • Webmaker: there will be a 3 hour workshop for all the tools

  • Rust workshop: 1,5 hour


  • Womoz (Flore: duet talk with another woman)

  • Firefox OS (Christophe Villeneuve)

  • Rust (Leo Testard)


Pizzas on saturday evening and laughs until very late in the night... Expecting hangovers and tiredness on sunday...