JSConf BR 2013

JUN 2013

Category Code Contributions, Developer Documentation, Evangelism Product, Firefox Mobile, Firefox OS, Web Development, WebFWD

URL http://2013.jsconfbr.org/

Hashtag jsconfbr

Description Brazillian edition of one of the most known JavaScript events around the world. JSConf BR will host a single line of great presentations about JS, including Mozilla's CTO, Brendan Eich, who is also the JS creator and keeps developing the language. It's the first edition of the JSConf franchise to take place in Brazil and it's organized by development communities members. There're more information about the JSConf events in http://jsconf.com/.

Venue La Maison Buffet - Av Eng Luiz Vieira, 555, Papicu

City Fortaleza

Area Ceara

Country or Region Brazil

Brendan Eich will present a keynote.

Part of the mission is to assist Brendan Eich. He's comming to the event and I've got no other volunteer to get there to help answering the public questions about JS, FxOS, to show the FxOS phones (we are bring ours), and to support in any other questions about Mozilla. It wouldn't be great having the Mozilla's CTO in a event as a keynote without any other Mozillians, this is why me and Andre are trying to go.

http://www.flickr.com/photos/leobalter/sets/72157634318490019/ Pics taken at the event.