KU-UBIT FSA Meetup 1.0

AUG 2014

Category Campus, Recruiting

URL https://www.facebook.com/events/961426680549677/


Description All Firefox Student Ambassadors from the Umaer Basha Institute of Technology (UBIT) in the University of Karachi are invited to attend the meetup. We will also look to plan for organizing a Mozilla Awareness event in UBIT.

Venue UBIT - University of Karachi

City Karachi

Area Sindh

Country or Region Pakistan

1. Introduction to Mozilla - Mission, Mozilla Manifesto
2. Mozilla Firefox - Do Not Track, Firefox Sync, Addons, Developer Tools, Lightbeam
3. Mozilla Thunderbird
4. Firefox OS - Firefox Marketplace, Mozilla Appmaker
5. Mozilla Webmaker - Thimble, X-Ray Goggles, Popcorn Maker
6. Mozilla Persona
7. Mozilla Open Badges
8. Firefox Student Ambassador program
9. Firefox Affiliates
10. How to Contribute & Get Involved - Localization, Mozilla Support (SUMO), Mozilla QA, Mozilla Location Service, etc.

Relevant Links

  • Event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/961426680549677/
  • Event on Webmaker: https://events.webmaker.org/events/6501

1 attending, including...