Latinoware 2013

Venue Parque Tecnologico de Itaipú

City Fóz do Iguaçú

Area Paraná

Country or Region Brazil

We'll have a booth there, we're participants generally come by to talk about Mozilla products and to talk about stuff they saw at your talks and workshops.

We have 6 talks and 2 workshops on the conference:


  • Firefox OS: A Web é a plataforma (by @panaggio): (translates to Firefox OS: The Web is the platform). Introductory talk, to the major public that don't know much about the platform
  • Firefox OS para desenvolvedores (by @panaggio): (translates to Firefox OS for developers) Talks focused on developers, showcasing Web APIs, Marketplace, devtools and related stuff
  • A (falsa) liberdade da mobilidade (by @panaggio): (translates to The (false) mobility freedom): Talk about user privacy, control, how it's broken today and how we can fix that with free software and open standards
  • Presente y futuro de Mozilla Hispano (by @Urcu): (translates to Present and future of Mozila Hispano) Talk about current and future projects of Mozilla Hispano, and to call more people to participate
  • Firefox OS, la web es la plataforma (by @Urcu): Same introductory talk given by @panaggio, but in Spanish
  • Mozilla Educación: Firefox, enfoque educativo (by @rocio_meza_py): (translates to Mozilla Education: Firefox, an educative focus): Talk about all the different stuff people from Mozilla Hispano in Latin America are doing on the education front


  • Firefox OS: Como criar um aplicativo Web do zero (by @panaggio e @Urcu): Workshop going to be presented two time, one in Portuguese and the other in Spanish. Workshop to help people build Open Web apps from scratch.

We have already been featured on their website, and we're expecting to cause the same kind of problems we've caused last year (more people than the room have space for, people don't have enough time to ask questions after talks, even giving 50% - 30 minutes - for questions, ...). We rocked there last year. We want to do better.

6 attending, including...