Lithuania Developer Days 2014


Initiative Webmaker

Category Apps


Description Summary: By using best practices from Silicon Valley to organize Hackathon, training and conference for IT Webmasters, Mobile developers and Media people. Key goal: LESS of slide-shows, MORE Q&A and real practice - create material real-time. Create what exact people needs and want to learn about. Event Goals: Hackathon + Training + Challenges + Real time help, advices & support + Talent Scouting (EN) + Facebook Marketing.

Venue VU and Microsoft Lithuania

City Vilnius

Area Vilnius

Country or Region Lithuania

Event summary: Day 1: Represent yourself & your startup (NO CODING) Day 2: Web day - CLOUD, CMS & ONE-PAGE-APPs (YES, WE WILL CODE) Day 3: Mobile day - Windows Phone Apps (YES, WE WILL CODE) Day 4: Marketing & Media day (NO CODING)