Maker Party AMBIORA Techfest

AUG 2014

Category Diversity and Inclusion, Evangelism Product, Firefox OS, Mozilla Leadership Network, Open Badges, Privacy, Security


Hashtag #makerpartynmims

Description ** A mix of MakerParty and Open web Event ** Evangelize Mozilla Products and the Open web ** Firefox Browser privacy and security. ** Firefox OS booth at the event ** #RSVP here:!/events/5495

Venue SVKM’s Narsee Moonjee Institute of Management & Studies, Siddharth Nagar

City Shirpur

Area Maharashtra

Country or Region India

** A mix of MakerParty and Open web Event, we aim spreading web literacy among the attendees varying from students, teachers, makers, educationists more.

** Evangelize Mozilla Products and the Open web.

** The Event would also have Introductory session of Firefox and Its privacy and security.

** As a part of Firefox OS evangelism campaign we will also have a Firefox OS booth at the event where anyone can walk in and get info about the open operating system and play around with the devices.