Introduction to web application security with Simon Bennetts

DEC 2013

Category Developer Tools, Quality Assurance, Security


Hashtag #tdtCluj

Description For this event we will have a remote session delivered by Simon Bennetts who is a member of the Mozilla Security Team and the OWASP Zed Attack Proxy Project lead. The topic is: An introduction to web application security, including the OWASP Top 10 and Zed Attack Proxy

Venue Cluj CoWork

City Clausemburgo

Area Cluj

Country or Region Romania

The event was a success. Around 28 persons attended.

We started with a short presentation about our MeetUp group and after that Simon Bennetts taked about OWASP and the OWASP Top 10. To the end Simon made a demo of ZAP(Zed Attack Proxy). At the end we had a Q&A session.

the group started to think about security and how to add security testing in their day to day work. Having Simon explaining us the basic was great and you could see ideas pooping up after the session when people started to talk and share experiences that they had with security.

We got requests to continue with talks on the security testing tracks.

Photos of the event:

MeetUP link:

Video link:­