Mini Maker Party @ VISAT


Initiative Demoed a Firefox OS device

Category Firefox OS

Hashtag #MiniMakerVisat

Description This series of three events in each days gives a platform to show the power of the web to the people. It helps the people to familiarize with the Firefox OS, Mozilla Activities, Mozilla Products etc.And this can be the best platform to promote Mozilla devices and to introduce Firefox OS & Webmaker tools to the young generation. And through this event Mozillians get an opportunity to make people aware of privacy and open web

Venue Vijnan Institute of Science & Technology

City Piravom

Area Kerala

Country or Region India

Planning Pad and Agenda for the three events are listed in the below pads
1) Mozilla Booth 2) Mozilla Webmaker Party 3) Firefox OS Hackathon

Registration Links for the Hackathon & Webmaker Party

1) Firefox OS Hackathon

2) Webmaker Party

11 attending, including...