Mobile Monday Cluj

SEP 2013

Category Apps, Firefox Mobile, Firefox OS


Description Monday, September 30th, Cluj will formally enter in the Mobile Monday Network of more than 130 cities worldwide, where vibrant communities of people are jointly pursuing their interests to learn about, to follow and, why not, to influence the revolutions within the global mobile industry.

Venue Cluj HUB

City Cluj-Napoca

Country or Region Romania

The mobile community gathered by ClujHUB, Cluj Mobile Developers and Cluj IT Cluster takes a step further by joining MobileMonday™ (MoMo), an open community platform of mobile industry visionaries, developers and influential individuals fostering brand neutral cooperation and cross-border peer-to-peer business opportunities through live networking events to demo products, share ideas and discuss trends from both local and global markets.

Mobile Monday Cluj inaugural day will be marked by a community meetup focused on technical and business topics with participation of local specialists and companies. The conference will be opened to interested participants from Cluj and Transylvania.