MobileCamp Dresden


Category Apps, Developer Tools, Evangelism Product, Firefox OS, Recruiting


Hashtag #MobileCamp

Description A two-day 'Barcamp' style event in Dresden. It's all about mobile devices. This year will be the 6th time they organize this Barcamp. Michael Kohler will have a 45-minutes keynote speech about Firefox OS, its goals and its ecosystem.

Venue TU Dresden, Nöthnitzer Strasse 46, Dresden

City Dresden

Area Sachsen

Country or Region Germany

What is a 'Barcamp'?

A Barcamp is an event, where the talks and workshops are given by the attendees. In the morning, there is a quick 'Session planning' session where everybody can present his talk/workshop/discussion idea. The other attendees vote on the session and if there is interest, the session will happen on the same day.