#MozBelajar MAN Cililin

SEP 2015

Initiative Other

Category Mozilla Leadership Network

Hashtag #MozBelajar

Description An event to introduce the newly launched Webmaker App to vocational high school students in MAN Cililin, Bandung. There will be Webmaker App downloading session and hands on workshop in making projects using the app. This event is organized as part of Webmaker App Launch initiatives in Indonesia.

Venue MAN Cililin

City Bandung

Area Jawa Barat

Country or Region Indonesia

This event is organized by Nuansa Puji and Ginanjar Utami -- they are Mozillians. It is created for MAN Cililin students, especially those who have an Android device. Participants to this event need to create a webmaker.org account before joining.

1 attending, including...