MozFest Bhopal

MAR 2013

Hashtag #MozfestBhopal

Description Event "MozFest Bhopal" at SIRT Bhopal, will have 200-250 people in attendance. with a few local bloggers attending. We are inviting some other Engineering Collages also. For get more Contributors for Mozilla, and Firefox OS. Attendees will have the chance to participate in a talk I will be facilitating, where I will invite people to get involved in Mozilla. I estimate 10 people will be signing up at the “Get Involved” page at the Mozilla site.

Venue Sagar Insttute of Research and Technology Bhopal

City Bhopal

Area Madhya Pradesh

Country or Region India

In MozFest Bhopal all the Mozilla Bhopal Community members will gather together and teach other contributors and attendies about :

  • New Mozilla Projects
  • Firefox OS
  • Mozilla Web Maker
  • SUMO Hindi Localization.
  • Firefox Hindi Localization.

Agenda List :

 * Foss and Mozilla.
 * Firefox OS Session
 * Localization (SUMO)
 * Git Practical sesison 
 * l10n sesison
 * WoMoz session
 * Swag Distibutions.

Mozilla Reps , Attending This event ::

 *  Ashish Namdev - Mozilla Reps , Bangalore
 * Komal Gandhi - Mozilla Reps , Bhopal
 * Faisal Aziz - Mozilla Reps , Pune
 * Anurag Patel - Mozilla Reps , Bhopal
 * Sara Khan   - Mozilla Reps , Pune  (Interested - Not Confirmed)

Mozilla Reps attaining from outside :

   * Faisal Aziz - Mozilla Reps , Pune
   * Sara Khan   - Mozilla Reps , Pune  (Interested - Not Confirmed)
   * Ashish Namdev - Mozilla Reps , Bangalore