Fox Wave Ahmedabad

FEB 2015

Category Apps, Campus, Code Contributions, Firefox OS, Mozilla Leadership Network, Open Badges, People

Hashtag #foxwaveahm #foxwave

Description An event aimed at building and reinforcing a community in Gujarat The event will help Mozillians gain and improve their skills in leadership, collaboration, community building and contribution, all while helping to expand the Mozilla community. Followed by sessions on Developer Engagement along with an AppMaker in a box. We would conclude the event with a Makerparty at the end

Venue K.S School of Business Management & Research Gujarat University

City Ahmedabad

Area Gujarat

Country or Region India

1st Part: Introduction to Open Source About Mozilla-Mission and Manifesto. Contribution pathways. Inspiration from other Communities in building and sustaining as a regional community. Introduction to Firefox OS- How is it different from other OS, Why promote Firefox OS devices,Webmaker Project

Lunch Break

Part 2: Hands-on to Webmaker Tools. (Dividing into small interest based groups that would work on ideas.) Session on L10n Informal meetup with club leads to build a road map of events followed by QnA sessions on how they could be supported in a better way.