Mozilla Hacking Day Germany

APR 2014

Category Addons, Apps, Automation, Code Contributions, Developer Tools, Evangelism Product, Firefox Mobile, Firefox OS, Mozilla Leadership Network, Quality Assurance, Recruiting, UX, Web Development


Hashtag #MozHackingDay

Description Join us for a "Mozilla Hacking" Day in Berlin. Regardless whether you've already hacked on Mozilla Projects or not, we will give talks and tutorials how to hack on the different Mozilla Projects' code. Firefox Core, Firefox OS, Firefox for Android, Testing Infrastructure, Webmaker, and more! Happy hacking!

Venue co.up, Adalbertstraße 8, 10999 Berlin

City Berlin

Area Berlin

Country or Region Germany

You can find almost all Mozilla projects at Github (, ready to be improved by you! No idea what to hack on? We can give you directions to an interesting Mozilla projects perfectly fitted for your skills! You can't wait until April? Go to and see what you can do for Mozilla!

19 attending, including...