Mozilla Uganda L10n Sprint

APR 2017

Initiative Other

Category Localization


Hashtag #MozL10nUG #MozComUg

Description This event is planned to strengthen our community and its localization efforts by recruiting and training new localizers. We will be targeting 4 languages. Acholi, which is already a fully localized build of Firefox, Luganda, Ruchiga and Lusoga that are also widely spoken.

Venue The Innovation Village, Kampala

City Kampala

Area Central

Country or Region Uganda

At this event, we will have a training session focusing on localization, tools and resources available for localizers in the morning and then an l10n sprint for the rest of the day where participants will continue to localize for the rest of the day. To encourage localizers, at the end of the day we will give a reward to the person and group with the most strings.