Mozilla Webmaker - Cúcuta


Category Campus, Hive Network, Mozilla Leadership Network, People


Hashtag #webmakerCucuta

Description Mozilla Colombia Community will be hosting this event with students and professors on the 18th and 19th of September 2014. This event is a 2-day session for developing new mentor and providing teaching skills working with Webmaker tools especially those who are passionate to teach and also to educate other people about the Web!

Venue Calle 4N No 11E - 121 Guamaral

City Cucuta

Area Norte de Santander

Country or Region Colombia

Event Agenda:

Day 1 8:00 am: Registration 8:30 am: Introduction to Mozilla community and mission 9:00 am: Talking about MozEdu for teachers 10:00 am Introduction to webmaker for teachers ( How to be a Mozilla webmaker mentor?) 12:00 Event ending Day 1

Day 2 8:30 am: Introduction to Webmaker (Talking about Webmaker program) 9:30 am: Webmaker Workshop for Students: - Popcorn - X-rays Goggles - Thimble 12:00 Event ending Day 2