Mozillizando TEF

JUL 2013

Category Firefox Mobile, Marketing, People, Public Relations, Recruiting

Hashtag #FirefoxOS

Description Telefónica (TEF) has been working with Mozilla building FirefoxOS. Before the launching day in Colombia, The local comminuty will visit TEF offices to share experiences, talk about Mozilla, spread the open web message and share some swag with TEF Staff.

Venue Avenida Suba con calle 116

City Bogotá

Area Bogotá DC

Country or Region Colombia


07:30 - 08:30 TEF employees discover a present over their desktops: Some Mozilla swag and indication to participate in a competition for tickets for our launching party.

08:30 - 11:30 Community members spreaded in TEF campus talking with people in a very informal way, spreading some swag.

11:30 - 12:30 lunch.

12:30 - 20:30 Fox, pictures and Free hugs

Through the day, people will be tweeting about the activity and the Firefox Tweet machine will be projected in some walls