#MozKopdarMKS April 2014 : "Everything About FirefoxOS"

APR 2014

Category Apps, Developer Tools, Firefox OS, People, User Engagement, User Support (SUMO)

URL http://www.meetup.com/ID-Mozilla/Makasar-ID/114225...

Hashtag #MozKopdarMKS

Description An official Mozillians meetup in Makassar for April 2014. Giving updates about MWC and everything related to Firefox OS. Hosted by Arief Bayu Purwanto (Mozilla Reps)

Venue Mom's Cafe, Jalan Toddopuli Raya Timur (SPBU)

City Makassar

Area Sulawesi Selatan

Country or Region Indonesia

As we know that we already very success at MWC 2014. So we are very excited to share the updates to Mozillians at Makassar.