Category Business Development, Campus, Creative, Developer Documentation, Mozilla Leadership Network, Open Badges, People, User Engagement, User Research, WebFWD
Hashtag #Mozmagnum4PU
Description The Main Targets of this Event are: 1. Recruit Student Ambassadors 2. Talk about Mozilla Mission & Mozilla Projects. 3.Talk about Interest Areas 4. Make a Live Webmaker Project. 5. Talk about WebFwd Project & look for possible Applicants. 6. Talk about Firefox OS. 7. Establish a Firefox Club in the University. 8. Talk about Open Badges & its benefits.
This event was proposed in September 2013 .But due to the cost factor involved in traveling from Hyderabad to Patiala , I took advice of my mentor & he suggested me to schedule the event in August itself. The university finally agreed with the same . The venue i.e. Punjabi University is the 2nd Biggest university of Punjab . So, we are expecting more than 800 students in the event.Along with them 3 Mozillians & 57 Student Ambassadors would be present in the event.
3 attending, including...