
AUG 2013

Category Business Development, Campus, Creative, Developer Documentation, Mozilla Leadership Network, Open Badges, People, User Engagement, User Research, WebFWD

Hashtag #Mozmagnum4PU

Description The Main Targets of this Event are: 1. Recruit Student Ambassadors 2. Talk about Mozilla Mission & Mozilla Projects. 3.Talk about Interest Areas 4. Make a Live Webmaker Project. 5. Talk about WebFwd Project & look for possible Applicants. 6. Talk about Firefox OS. 7. Establish a Firefox Club in the University. 8. Talk about Open Badges & its benefits.

Venue Punjabi University

City Patiala

Area Punjab

Country or Region India

This event was proposed in September 2013 .But due to the cost factor involved in traveling from Hyderabad to Patiala , I took advice of my mentor & he suggested me to schedule the event in August itself. The university finally agreed with the same . The venue i.e. Punjabi University is the 2nd Biggest university of Punjab . So, we are expecting more than 800 students in the event.Along with them 3 Mozillians & 57 Student Ambassadors would be present in the event.