MozMaker - Ibagué
Initiative Other
Category Mozilla Leadership Network
Description In celebration of the Maker Party movement, we are organizing a Maker Party in Armenia, where the attendees can have a learn about Webmaker project. We will focus on the various tools of Webmaker and creating teaching kits. At the end of the training session attendees will be more confident in creating their own maker parties and teach the others. Teachers will learn how to use Webmaker tools in their classes and how to make it a great resource with different students.
Zone 1
Talk about Mozilla mission and Webmaker vision
Use Google X Ray to learn from inside about HTML structure.
Learning the basic tags and the structure of a web page in HTML. Using App Maker to prototype basic apps.
Coffee Break & Networking
Use Thimble to create your first webpage.
Feedback after the event, opinions and suggestions for the next.