Firefox OS App Days - Nairobi

JAN 2013

URL http://firefoxosappdays-nairobi-eorg-eorg.eventbri...

Description Please join us at 88mph on Saturday January 26, to learn, hack and celebrate the Firefox OS, Mozilla's open source operating system for the mobile web.

Venue 88mph

City Nairobi


Country or Region Kenya

If you're a web developer, you’ll be right at home coding apps in HTML5, JavaScript and CSS for the Firefox OS. We’ll help you with everything else, including how to access mobile Web APIs and how to use the Firefox OS Simulator in your desktop browser to view and test your mobile apps.

Technology leaders from Mozilla will present new technology built to extend and support the new platform.

This App Day is not a competition; it's an opportunity to start creating mobile apps for Firefox Marketplace and the coming Firefox OS phone. It's also a great opportunity to demo your project for an audience of peers, as well tech leaders and innovators.

We'll introduce you to the tools you need to get started.

Look forward to seeing you.

5 attending, including...