Nightly Marathon -1

MAY 2017

Initiative Other

Category User Support (SUMO)

Hashtag #INUsesFxNightly #mcw

Description As we all know we have a great Mozilla community around India. We have a large number of dedicated students, developers and evangelists who are really passionate about Mozilla. We have seen that very few people in India actually know about Firefox Nightly Desktop.Its a glimpse of what the future of Firefox will be for hundreds of millions of people.

Venue Bits college

City Warangal

Area Telangana

Country or Region India

Every day, Mozilla developers write code that is merged into a common code repository (mozilla-central) and every day that code is compiled so as to create a pre-release version of Firefox based on this code for testing purposes, this is what we call a Nightly build. Once this code matures, it is merged into stabilization repositories (Aurora, also known as Dev Edition, and later Beta) where that code will be polished until we reach a level of quality that allows us to ship a new final version of Firefox to hundreds of millions of people. This development process used to ship a new version of Firefox every 5 to 8 weeks is called the Train Model.