Open Source Budapest - FirefoxOS special

SEP 2014

Category Apps, Code Contributions, Developer Tools, Evangelism Product, Firefox Mobile, Firefox OS, Marketing, People, Privacy, Recruiting, User Engagement, User Research, Web Development

Hashtag #fxoshu

Description Mozilla always has marked presence on the Open Source Budapest meetups - this September we are organizing a "Firefox OS Special" meetup, with presentations about all the different aspects (end user facing, developer-related and community contributions) of Firefox OS.

Venue TBD

City Budapest

Area Budapest

Country or Region Hungary

Open Source Budapest meetup has a strong track record in gathering the Hungarian open source community on these meetups - despite it being a very young one, and it's attendees align well with Mozilla's target community.

Follow-up: Event photos uploaded on FlickR

My presentation slides (in English) are on - also the video recording (in Hungarian) is on YouTube.

Social media coverage was modest 1 2 3

Event was well-received, fortunately - lots of lively discussions on Firefox OS after my prez! Lot of interest in both contributing and application/games development & the Firefox OS devices (showcased the Flatfish tablet and a Flame on FxOS Master (2.1)).