openSUSE Conference 2013


Category Evangelism Product, Firefox Mobile, Firefox OS, Marketing, Mozilla Leadership Network, People, Recruiting, User Engagement


Hashtag #oSC13

Description Mozilla is going to be there with a booth dedicated to Firefox OS during the event. In addition we are going to have an hour talk presenting Firefox OS as a mobile operating system, Firefox Marketplace, the open webapps ecosystem and of course ways on how to build your open web application.

Venue Olympic Museum - Thessaloniki

City Thessaloniki

Area Thessaloniki

Country or Region Greece

From 18-22 July, 2013 the openSUSE Conference (oSC13) will bring together a wide variety of Open Source contributors to collaborate on one of the major Linux distribution projects.

Considering that OpenSUSE conf is going to have more than 350 hackers/engineers/geeks from all over the world, it is a great opportunity to spread the word of Firefox OS and Mozilla's vision for the Open Web engaging people in our vision and projects.