Osasco Open

AUG 2016

Initiative Other

Category Marketing

URL https://osascopen.vpeventos.com/evento-1-Osasco%20...

Hashtag #OsascoOpen #MozOnOsascoOpen

Description In order to disseminate knowledge about technology, FITO (Fundação Instituto Tecnológico de Osasco) with the local community of free software have partnered to bring this knowledge to you. It will be a full day of lectures and workshops of the most diverse subjects. This event is 100% supported by the community and there is only thanks to the voluntary work of many professionals

Venue Rua Camélia, 26 - Jd. das Flores - 06110-300 - Osasco, SP

City Osasco

Area São Paulo

Country or Region Brazil


Get Smart On the Web: Tracking, Cybersecurity and Government Surveillance [Geraldo Barros]

Stay Smart Web is your time to question, learn, do and talk about cyber security, tracking, and government surveillance on the Internet, based on Mozilla's policies and experts. Take control, protect and defend your information on the web.

Web Compatibility Sprint [Geraldo Barros]

Webcompat.com is a gathering place for the web compatibility community. This site is a place to report bugs from any website across the web - whether you are a developer or not. Started by the Mozilla Web Compatibility team, this initiative is a global task force on a mission to improve the web one bug at a time. Join us! Let's work together to make the web a better place to work and play.