OSCON 2014
Category Code Contributions, Developer Tools, Diversity and Inclusion, Evangelism Product, Firefox Mobile, Hive Network, Localization, Marketing, Market Insights, Mozilla Leadership Network, Open Badges, People, Privacy, User Engagement, User Research
URL http://www.oscon.com/oscon2014
Hashtag #OSCON2014
Description From the early days of open source, OSCON has been the only event that covers the open source stack in its entirety. Not just one language, tool, or philosophy, but all of the moving parts, integrated and working together. It's everything you need to know about open source to keep you ahead of the curve.
Reps will be collaborating with various teams internally to achieve the goals outlined in a plan submitted to Developer Engagement. This event was a top level organization goal for 2014.
4 attending, including...
Emma Irwin
Majken Connor
Alumni attendee
Alex Lakatos
Rep attendee
William Reynolds
Alumni attendee