Outcome of 'MozCoffee at SUST'
Initiative Other
Category Apps
Hashtag #AppsfromSUST , #FirefoxOSApps, #WepenWebApps
Description On this event , some of the participants of the last 'MozCoffee at SUST' [about 15-17 people] will come and will be given guidelines to create apps for Firefox OS. They will then create applications and upload them to the Marketplace. Don't get confused with the event name; It's basically an app-day :) Named it as 'Outcome of MozCoffee at SUST' only to show a message that the participants are from the last event [MozCoffee at SUST] only.
- Introduction [10:00 - 10:10]
- Morning Tea [10:11 - 10:20 ]
- Introduction to Web API [10:21 - 10:30 ]
- App Development START [10:31 - 13:00 ]
- Lunch Break [13:01 - 13:59 ]
- App Development recommence [14:00 - 15:00 ]
- App Demonstration [16:00 - 17:30 ]
- session [17:30 - 18:00 ]