Productivity Programs @Leão Mozilla Clubs

APR 2017

Initiative Other

Category Mozilla Leadership Network

Hashtag #teachtheweb

Description Hundreds of software applications are available today. This course explores the most common productivity software applications used in school, at work, and at home. The course teaches you how to choose the right software for your project. You will learn the fundamentals of word processing, spreadsheets, presentation software, and databases.

Venue Centro de Artes e Esportes Unificados - CEU

City Campinas

Area São Paulo

Country or Region Brazil

Lesson 1: Introduction to Productivity Programs

1.1 Describe the functionality of the common programs in Open Office.

Lesson 2: Common Features and Commands

2.1 Identify the main components of the graphical user interface of a productivity program.

2.2 Use the pointer to navigate in a program.

2.3 Identify the tabs, groups, and commands.

2.4 Use the buttons on the toolbars to perform various tasks.

2.5 Type text and characters in a program by using the keyboard.

2.6 Explain the use of keyboard shortcuts and key combinations.

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