PU Hackaton (Philadelphia University)

APR 2014

Category Addons, Apps, Campus, Code Contributions, Creative, Diversity and Inclusion, Firefox Mobile, Firefox OS, Identity, Localization, Metrics, Mozilla Leadership Network, Open Badges, People, Privacy, Security, Services, Thunderbird, User Support (SUMO), UX, Web Development

Hashtag #PU_Firefox

Description This event is part of Mozilla community Jordan efforts to relaunch again by doing events around the country with media coverage. sessions: >about Mozilla:FF team. >open source:mohammad dirar aletoum. >security: mohammed migdadi. >addons & Hacking: mahmoud alqudah. >Firefix OS:mohammad migadady , Ahmad Algharaibeh, Mohammad dirar aletoum. >Webmaker: FF team. >UX interface: Wissam alazzam.

Venue Amman,Jordan -Philadelphia University

City Amman

Area Amman

Country or Region Jordan


6 attending, including...