Ragab Instituite club launch

OCT 2016

Initiative Other

Category Advocacy and policy

Description As a part of Mozilla Egypt strategy to launch clubs in most Cities by starting of the new Academic year, So we help Academy clubs to make just first a Launch event to show the new comers what they do and Recruiting new members to the club. This year our club will take part in this launch event aiming to recruit a lot of FSAs to the program and spread Mozilla's mission with the new comers.

Venue Ragab Instituite

City Al Iskandariyah

Area Al Iskandariyah

Country or Region Egypt

Day Plan : ● First part : About Mozilla ○ Will give you a chance to look at the big picture of Mozilla and Mozilla Egypt community in particular, who we are, what we believe in, we'll talk about new Mozilla technologies, insights into the FSA Egypt community, and how to get involved. a lot of fun and challenges will be there . ● Second part : workshops about FSA and how to contribute

Mozilla and its products Firefox Student Ambassadors and Mozilla reps programs Online privacy and how to protect your self on the web Coffee break Ways of contribution to Mozilla (Coding - localization - QA - writing - ....) Moz VR

1 attending, including...