Rust - Introduction to Generics

SEP 2016

Initiative MozActivate

Category Emerging Technologies


Hashtag #mozactivate

Description "Rust is a systems programming language that runs blazingly fast, prevents segfaults, and guarantees thread safety" Stefan will present an introduction to generics in rust. Generics or templates are a powerful way to generalize functionality for more types, reducing the total amount of code you have to test.

Venue Liip, Limmatstrasse 183, Zürich

City Zurich

Area Zürich

Country or Region Switzerland

Rust allows you to write safe, fast and maintainable code. It provides high-level zero-cost abstractions and an advanced type system which brings ergonomics from functional and dynamic programming languages to the land of compiled languages.

Stefan will present an introduction to generics in rust. Generics or templates are a powerful way to generalize functionality for more types, reducing the total amount of code you have to test.

Generics are called ‘parametric polymorphism’ in type theory, which means that they are types or functions that have multiple forms (‘poly’ is multiple, ‘morph’ is form) over a given parameter (‘parametric’).

Of course we will also be available to answer your questions!

About the speaker Stefan is a member of the Coredump hackerspace in Rapperswil. He started using Rust in early 2015 and has since then spent a lot of time hacking on Rust based projects including the compiler.