Semana da Informática UNIT


Category Code Contributions, Firefox OS, Recruiting, User Engagement


Hashtag #MozillaUNIT

Description UNIT (Universidade Tiradentes) is organizing a technology week from September 10 to 12. We'll be presenting about Firefox OS and how we are reinventing and creating a new web. On September 10th, we'll be giving a presentation for around 250 people to introduce them to Firefox OS and WebAPIs. On September 11th, we'll host a hands-on hackathon for approximately 40 attendees, with the purpose of getting apps created and to answer questions that developers might have.

Venue UNIT - Campus Farolândia

City Aracaju


Country or Region Brazil

This event will take place in a region that we need to put more efforts in, and since we don't have community leaders in there, this event will be good for expanding our numbers and reach.