Simpósio Acreano de Sistemas de Informação - SASI


Category Campus, Developer Documentation, Firefox Mobile, Firefox OS, People, Recruiting, User Engagement, User Support (SUMO)

Hashtag #MozillaNoSasi2014 #SASI2014

Description Acreano Symposium of Information Systems is an open event that favors the integration of teaching, research and extension in the scope of the Federal University of Acre (UFAC) and other educational institutions in the state.

Venue UFAC - Endereço: Distrito Industrial

City Rio B ranco


Country or Region Brazil

We will have a lecture: Firefox OS, freedom in mobile devices, taught by Reps Mozilla and Mozilla contributor Brazil, Azevedo Lenno, which will be featuring the Firefox OS, its main characteristics, types of applications, such as developing webapps for its app store, for academics, teachers and other participants.