Simposio HTML5 Bogota - Universidad Nacional


Category Apps, Code Contributions, Creative, Developer Tools, Firefox Mobile, Firefox OS, Services, Web Development


Description TOPICS 1 - HTML5 now and in the near future, 2 - FirefoxOS Development, and Marketplace WebAPI, 3 - Presentation EIDOS and Computer Society (IEEE), 4 - ASM and WebGL. WORKSHOPS (AppDay) 1 - Making an application for FirefoxOS or Cordoba, 2 - WebAPI, manifestos and safety, 3 - Coding party. INVITE IEEE Computer Society Student Chapter A, EIDOS UNAL Bogotá, Mozilla Colombia.

Venue Torre Central de Informática Sala 2A. (Cerca a la Plaza Central) en la Universidad Nacional Sede Bogotá.

City Bogota

Area Bogota

Country or Region Colombia

2 attending, including...