SITCON Summer Camp Community Booth
Category Campus, Recruiting, User Engagement
Hashtag #sitconcamp2014
Description MozTW - Mozilla Taiwan Community will provide a community booth in SITCON Summer Camp.
What is SITCON
SITCON - Students' Information Technology Conference, largest student conference in Taiwan. Mose of the topic are relate to OSS, but not just only OSS.
SITCON Summer Camp Target Audience
Most of attendee are high school student, but it cross junior high to master degree student. Most of student are interested in IT, but don't really do coding. (Maybe they will in the feature)
MozTW Community Booth
Our community booth will let most of students know what is Mozilla, and how can they attend our weekly meetup. We introduce our project like Firefox Add-ons, Webmaker, Localize and more...
MozTW Community Booth Event
We let attendee play Browser Pairs, after they done we will offer a Firefox badge. Also give them "MozTW booth pass" certificate, so they can get some swag from SITCON.
After Event
It's really nice to have community booth in SITCON Summer Camp. Four of student interested to held gathering in their region, looking forward to see gathering in different places.