Software Freedom Kosova 2014
Initiative Other
Category Apps
Hashtag #sfk #sfk14 #flossk
Description SFK (Software Freedom Kosova Conference) is the biggest annual non-profit conference in Kosovo/Balkans established to promote Software freedom, Open source software, Free culture and Open knowledge, a global movement that originally started more than 25 years ago.
During the conference, Giannis Konstantinidis is going to deliver a talk about Firefox OS, explaining how it is unleashing the future of mobile.
There's also going to be a Firefox OS web app development workshop, where participants will get to develop their very own simple web app by writing some basic HTMl/CSS/JavaScript code and using Firefox's innovative developer tools.
As always, Mozilla is going to hold a booth, engaging with the public, running Firefox OS hands-on representations, handing out swag, etc.
4 attending, including...
Giannis Konstantinidis
Mozilla's presence organizer
Aleksander Koko
Mozillian attendee
Elio Qoshi
Rep attendee