Software Freedom Kosova 2014


Initiative Other

Category Apps


Hashtag #sfk #sfk14 #flossk

Description SFK (Software Freedom Kosova Conference) is the biggest annual non-profit conference in Kosovo/Balkans established to promote Software freedom, Open source software, Free culture and Open knowledge, a global movement that originally started more than 25 years ago.

Venue University of Pristina

City Pristina

Area Priština

Country or Region Albania

During the conference, Giannis Konstantinidis is going to deliver a talk about Firefox OS, explaining how it is unleashing the future of mobile.

There's also going to be a Firefox OS web app development workshop, where participants will get to develop their very own simple web app by writing some basic HTMl/CSS/JavaScript code and using Firefox's innovative developer tools.

As always, Mozilla is going to hold a booth, engaging with the public, running Firefox OS hands-on representations, handing out swag, etc.