NASA Space App Challenge Mexico City


Category Apps, Code Contributions, Public Relations


Hashtag #spaceappsmx

Description The International Space Apps Challenge is an international mass collaboration focused on space exploration that takes place over 48-hours in cities around the world.

Venue Sociedad Astronómica de México

City Benito Juárez

Area D.F.

Country or Region Mexico

The challengue is organized by me :P, Social Tic, Software Guru and the Astronomical Society of Mexico.



The main event is a hackathon where 45+ hackers will be solving different challenges using different technologies.

Webmaker Challengue

For the youth we are planning special challenges (webmaker challengues) that are going to run by Mozilla México volunteers.

  • Challenge: Create a Planet!
    You will be inventing your own planet at this station. First, you will be taught basic image editing techniques using the open source software Gimp. Use your digital creations from other stations, photograph your physical creations, use supplied planetary images and search image sharing web sites for more images! Finally, name your planet, and create thimble page.

  • Challenge: Project Awe In this Challengue the participants will remix this poprcorn project . Then will share their “make” with the world via @webmaker and submit it to Webmaker’s Tumblr.


The event will have several talks and the number of attenders to the whole will be 200 (more or less), the theme of the talks is space exploration and Mozilla Mexico.

The purpose of the event is atract the public to the space exploration and show them the amazing world of the space.


For the main hackathon start the saturday at 10:00 and end sunday 17:00.

The webmaker challengue is going to be sunday from 11:00 to 15:00

The talks will be distributed along the saturday & sunday from 11-18.