Space Apps Challenge - Santiago, Chile.

APR 2014

Category Apps, Code Contributions, Developer Documentation, Developer Tools, Evangelism Product, Firefox Mobile, Firefox OS, Metrics, Public Relations, Recruiting, User Support (SUMO), Web Development


Hashtag #SpaceApps_CL

Description The International Space Apps Challenge is an international mass collaboration focused on space exploration that takes place over 48-hours in cities around the world. The event embraces collaborative problem solving with a goal of producing relevant open-source solutions (hackathon) to address global needs applicable to both life on Earth and life in space.

Venue Campus Santiago San Joaquín, Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María.

City San Joaquín


Country or Region Chile

Primary Audience: Software and hardware developers, open-source platforms. Languages html5, javascript, css, (webapps), java, android, python. Corporate Executives: Government of Chile, ONGs, NASA, ALMA, Startups, software companies (Kibernum), etc.

Relevant Products: Firefox OS Firefox Web Browser Marketplace The Free and Open Web

-- 4 community members in the hackathon:

Pablo Sepúlveda (Dev Lead of Firefox OS Team Chile), Psep has good projects and his experiences, helps and builds our devs community:

MetroMobile ( Firefox OS App for Metro de Santiago (unofficial). Techs: HTML5, Javascript, jQuery, Ajax, JSON, GPS and OpenStreetMap, WebAPIs.

SaldoBip! ( Firefox OS App for check the Transantiago’s electronic purse (Bip! Card). Techs: HTML5, jQuery Mobile, Ajax, JSON.

ADIABChile ( Firefox OS App for Hackathons. Techs: HTML5, Javascript, CSS, JQuery.

apis-servicios ( APIs for state services (Transantiago) like query electronic purse (Bip! Card) and location of bus stops. Techs: PHP, cURL, JSON, REST.

Sebastian Becerra (Dev Firefox OS Team Chile), Seba has experience in the mozilla community since 2008. He did lot of talks in universities and high schools. He has a strong personality and good relations public with people. The boy has a good english skills!

Scarlett Melgarejo (mozillian & womoz), Skamel is from the joomla community, she develops workshops in universities and explains how to use the mozilla’s products. She was invited to the team for her strong skills on the web. She is in the community since 2012 (first in Mozilla hispano) now in our local group.

Lourdes Castillo (mozilla rep & womoz). So, i’m co-founder of mozilla Paraguay community since 2009 (building community, events, projects, found good leaders and now mozilla reps in Paraguay). Then for love, I decided to move in Chile and here, since 2012. I don’t stop with my volunteering because for me is important the health of the open web and keep the knowledge on is a strong mission wherever I am.