Startup Weekend Shenzhen
Category Marketing, People, Public Relations, User Engagement
Description An event where entrepreneurs meet and work on an idea to turn it into a business over the weekend. 20% of the attendes are programmers The event attracts highly passionate and motivated people who are normally influencers in the society .I want to make them aware or Mozilla Initiatives so they can spread the word Plan to use this event to recruit interested people into Mozilla community and Spread awarness about Mozilla
Since I am one of the organizers of the event , I will speak in detail about Mozilla Initiatives.
Sw is a pretty intense event and normally doesnt have vacant slots for speakers
but there are 20 minutes , that is vacant when the presentations are over and the participants are waiting for results (judge scores needs to be added up to declare a winner_
During this time I plan to speak about Mozilla initiatives world wide and how people can contribute to Mozilla
Estimated Attendance is 120-140