Talk - Introduction to Firefox OS Development

JUL 2014

Category Apps, Code Contributions, Firefox OS


Description Mozilla stands for an open web, with Firefox OS being only one mean to reach the goal. Ever wanted to develop a Web App which runs on open technologies? Michael Kohler will give an introduction to Firefox OS and explain how to write your own app. HTML/CSS/JavaScript knowledge is not necessary for this talk, but certain knowledge about programming in general doesn't hurt.

Venue Co-Working im Neuweg, Neuweg 3, Luzern

City Lucerne

Country or Region Switzerland

Firefox OS has gained quite a lot attention since its first launch in Spain in July 2013. Since October 2013 it's available in Germany. Most of the devices are available in South America and a few European countries. Even though it's not available in Switzerland through a carrier, you can get it on the Internet.

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