Talleres de Software Libre en la UJAP

NOV 2012

URL https://www.facebook.com/events/372404889512650/

Hashtag #ujapsl

Description Free Software community VasLibre is organizing workshops to teach students from the Antonio José Paez University about Fedora RPM, Pinguino Robotics, Python and of course a workshop of Mozilla WebMaker in charge of ReMo Arturo Martinez.

Venue Universidad Antonio José Paez

City San Diego

Area Carabobo

Country or Region Venezuela

Mozilla WebMaker

Mozilla Rep, Arturo Martinez will be in charge of a workshop to teach students how to use the Webmaker Tools, course will be split in three categories

X-Ray Goggles X-Ray Goggles

To start with the very basic of the web, for those with little to none kwoledge about HTML.

Popcorn Maker Popcorn Maker

How to use Popcorn to create interactive videos and multimedia.

Thimble Thimble

Main part of the course, how to use Thimble to create web pages easily and integrate the multimedia content made with Popcorn.