upNorth Conference

DEC 2012

URL http://www.upnorthconf.gr/

Hashtag #upNorthgr

Description upNorth is the first conference for new web technologies in Thessaloniki, the second largest city in Greece. The conference is referred to people who have great ideas, love the web but don't know how to hack it. That's why successful people from different projects such as GitHub, Wordpress, developers and marketeers are going to present ways to hack the web and build your ideas!

Venue Daios Luxury Hotel

City Thessaloniki

Area Macedonia

Country or Region Greece

I have contacted the organizers who excited with idea that a Mozilla Rep is in town. We discussed how Mozilla can help in the present event and concluded that we can/will organize future events including a lot of Mozilla talks especially regarding Web Apps, Firefox OS and the future of the Open web. But, Mozilla can't miss the upcoming event so there is a great way to support it, giving away some swag and do some marketing on site.