Using & Testing Nightly @Casa Hacker hackerspace

AUG 2019

Initiative Campaigns

Category Testing


Hashtag #Firefox #FirefoxNightly

Description Get engaged in tasks related to Firefox Nightly by finding and filing issues early in the cycle means by the time Firefox gets to release, the code is in good shape.

Venue Casa Hacker hackerspace

City Campinas

Area São Paulo

Country or Region Brazil

Every day, Mozilla developers write code that is merged into a common code repository (mozilla-central) and every day that code is compiled so as to create a pre-release version of Firefox based on this code for testing purposes - this is what we call a Nightly build. Once this code matures, it is merged into stabilization repositories (Beta) where that code will be polished until we reach a level of quality that allows us to ship a new final release version of Firefox to hundreds of millions of people. Join-us to install Firefox Nightly, test and report.

1 attending, including...